
If A Four-legged Animal Walks On Its Hind Legs, Where Would You Expect Its Foramen Magnum To Be?

There are millions of unlike animal species on the planet, and about every animal has some way to move through life. From animals without legs to animals with a couple of hundred legs.

In this article, we are going to talk about fifteen animals that walk on 2 legs.

The form of moving on two legs is known as bipedalism. When translated from Latin, the term biped means 'two feet'.

At that place are three different types of bipedalism. Including walking, running, and hopping.

Some of the animals that nosotros are going to talk nigh do not walk on 2 legs strictly. Instead, they mainly utilise all four legs to move effectually but essentially have the ability to walk on two legs.

Permit's dive right in!

15 Animals that walk on two legs


flamingo walking

Flamingos are long-legged shorebirds usually plant in swamps and mudflats of America, Europe, Asia, and Africa.

The "Flamingo" proper noun comes from Portuguese, which means "flame-colored".

Even though flamingos take the ability to wing, by and large, they are seen walking on the ground.

Fun Fact: Flamingos are born gray, and the familiar pink color comes from their diet!

Sometimes flamingos would stand up on one leg for hours, and no one is quite certain what is the reason behind information technology.

Though ane theory stands out the nearly, which claims that flamingos stand on one leg to conserve more trunk heat.


bipedal kangaroo

Kangaroos are big pes hopping bipedal animals native to Australia and New Guinea. In that location are four different kangaroo species, of which the cerise kangaroos are the largest.

The kangaroo's stiff legs are the chief tools for moving through the wilderness. In fact, kangaroos are the largest animals to use hopping as the master blazon of locomotion.

Fun Fact: Kangaroos use their strong tail as a 5th leg!

Fifty-fifty though kangaroos have four limbs, the front end two are rarely used for walking. Their forelimbs are not equally strong, and they are sometimes used merely for ho-hum itch or walking on all four.

These marsupials are extremely athletic animals, and they can hop pretty fast and far, nevertheless, they are unable to walk backwards.


emu bipedal bird

Emus are two-legged flightless birds that inhabit the mainland of Australia. These powerful bipedal animals are the second-largest bird species, right later on their relative, the ostriches.

The legs of the emus are so strong. To put it simply, their legs are powerful enough to intermission down metal fencing.

Fun Fact: Emus are the just birds on the planet with calf muscles!

Usually, when walking, emus have strides of around 3 ft. (91 cm). However, while running, one pace of an emu can be more than nine ft. (274cm) long.

These birds also apply their legs equally self-defense force when attacked. Ane leg kick can atomic number 82 to deadly consequences. Hence, not many predators target fully-grown emus.

                      Related Commodity: Animals Without Ears!                  


gibbon walking on two legs

Gibbons are pretty unique apes that live in tropical and subtropical forests of Asia.

They mainly move by swinging through the copse, and they can travel at great speeds of 34 miles per hour (54 kilometers per hour). (source)

Fun Fact: Gibbons are the fastest and the most agile of all tree-living mammals!

Also, gibbons are very good at walking on two legs also. Not but they can walk on the basis, but also they can walk over super thin branches with ease.

When these animals walk, they usually heighten their arms above their heads to maintain balance.


ostriches two leg bird

Ostriches are the tallest and the heaviest living birds in the world. These ii-legged animals tin grow upward to 9ft. (ii.7 g) and run as fast every bit 43 miles per hr (seventy kilometers per hr).

Today, there are two common ostriches species, the common ostrich and the Somali ostrich.

Fun Fact: Ostriches eggs are the largest of whatever living birds, weighing 3.5 pounds (1600 grams)!

Due to their flight inability, ostriches rely on their ii legs and long necks to survive in the wild.

When in danger, ostriches use their powerful legs as weapons, capable of killing predators like lions. Ostriches mostly inhabit the savannas of Africa and some parts of Australia.


knuckle-walking gorilla

Gorillas are strong and bulky corking apes that alive in the tropical forests of Africa. There are two main species of gorillas and both species with two more subspecies.

Gorillas mainly movement effectually by knock-walking, nevertheless, sometimes they walk on two legs. Normally when carrying their babies or nutrient, or in the case when they are in a defensive stance.

Fun Fact: Gorillas and humans share around 98% of DNA!

These smart animals tend to live in big groups, sometimes counting more than xxx individuals. Those groups are chosen mobs, in which usually the strongest developed male is the leader of the mob.


bipedal wallaby

Wallabies are pocket-size bipedal macropods that are closely related to kangaroos. Besides similar advent, wallabies also have stiff hind legs that they use as the principal way of locomotion.

Likewise, their muscular legs are non but used for traveling only too for kicking whatsoever potential enemy.

Fun Fact: Female wallabies tin get fertile only a few days after giving birth!

At that place are eight different wallaby species, the majority of them living in Australia and New Republic of guinea. Their favorite forests are the ones they can notice thick pare leaves plants, like eucalyptus or acacia.


bear standing on two legs

Bears normally do not walk on two legs for long distances. When they are on their hind legs, the bears are then either looking for nutrient from the trees or observing their surroundings.

In that location are eight dissimilar types of bears, and they can be found on most every continent in the world, inhabiting jungles, forests, deserts, and grasslands.

Fun Fact: Bears take super developed senses of aroma, and they tin can smell nutrient from few miles away!

Because of their shy and peaceful character, many people come across bears as cute animals. Merely despite their sugariness appearance, bears are one of the most dangerous animals in the world.


chimpanzee that walk on two legs

Besides being closely related to humans, chimpanzees are considered amidst the smartest animals species in the world.

Chimps accept evolved with adaptation for both arboreal and terrestrial locomotion. When walking on the ground, the great apes motion on all iv (knuckle-walking) as well as upright walk on two legs.

Fun Fact: Chimps have displayed many signs of intelligence, from remembering symbols, tool apply to language!

Chimpanzees are very adaptable animals, and they live in a diverseness of different environments. Some of them include dry out savannas, rainforests, montane forests, and open up woodlands, among many other habitats.


jerboa bipedal animal

Jerboas are tiny hopping bipedal animals that mainly live in hot deserts. These miniature kangaroos have long stiff legs and fairly undeveloped forelegs.

Jerboas also take long tails, nearly double the length of their bodies, and it is used to balance when hopping.

Fun Fact: Jerboas can survive temperature environments of over 130 degrees Fahrenheit!

Considering of their quickness and frequent changes of directions, jerboas are pretty hard to catch. This comes in handy, because the fact that they accept more than than a few predators.


pangolin on two legs

Pangolins, as well known every bit scaly anteaters, and are establish in sub-Saharan parts of Africa. These strange-looking creatures usually travel on all four.

Nevertheless, when moving faster, they walk on ii legs with the support of their tail.

Fun Fact: Pangolins are known to be the most trafficked mammals on the planet!

When threatened, pangolins would roll up in a ball, covering themselves with their abrupt armor-like scales.


penguin waddle on two legs

When we talk nearly animals that walk on 2 legs, nosotros must not forget penguins. These partially bipedal birds accept quite funny walks, and there's a scientific explanation for that.

Penguins do not really walk, but instead, they waddle. The reason why they primarily waddle is it helps them salvage their energy.

Fun Fact: Penguins are considered amongst the well-nigh streamlined animals species!

Penguins are flightless birds, but they have evolved into super-efficient swimmers. They spend more than 75% of their time in the water.

Kangaroo Rats

kangaroo rat on two legs

Kangaroo rats, equally their proper noun suggests, are minor rats that hop similar kangaroos. These minor desert rodents have long and strong legs and relatively small and useless front legs.

Fun Fact: Despite living in deserts, kangaroo rats can live without the need to drink water!

These bipedal rats are mainly found in arid parts of N America. Their powerful legs assist them move around quickly and jump over high distances if needed.

When chased by predators, kangaroo rats tin can leap up to 9ft. (2.7m).

Green Basilisk Lizards

lizard that run on two legs

Light-green basilisk, as well known every bit Jesus Christ lizard, is a long-tail lizard native to Primal America. This unique nickname is due to their super power. They can run on water!

Fun Fact: Greenish basilisk lizards can stay underwater for more than xxx minutes!

Basilisk lizards unremarkably move on all four. Withal, when they run on water, they only use their hind legs to sprint.

About of their fourth dimension, these lizards are in trees. Unless they become threatened; in that case, they drop themselves in the water.


humans walk on two legs

Lastly, when covering the topic about animals that walk on ii legs, humans are a must mention. Non only do we have the ability to walk on two legs, but nosotros tin also run and jump.

Bipedal locomotion is the most efficient manner of walking past beingness able to maximize the utilize of our hands.

Fun Fact: An average person walks more than 65,000 miles – equivalent to walking three times around the planet!

Humans are the most advanced creatures on the planet, roofing well-nigh every corner of the earth.


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