There was a time not also long ago when many westerners viewed watching anime every bit a niche hobby. This was largely due to how inaccessible it was to western audiences; non simply in terms of its limited distribution outside of Nihon, but also the very nature of its content. Thanks to the recent rising in popularity of streaming services like Netflix and Crunchyroll, it's never been easier for those living in the west to watch the latest and greatest anime shows, just one of these issues still persists.

Despite how readily available anime has get in the mod age, there are many people who cull not to lookout man it, equally they're put off by some of the more socially awkward and annoying tropes which feature in a lot of Japanese anime series. Thankfully, however, there are plenty of great anime shows that aren't reliant on over-the-peak antics or questionable depictions of immature women, making them far more accessible to those who don't like stereotypical anime.

Updated March 23, 2022 past Thomas Bowen: With the popularity of anime continuing to rise in the west, now is as good a time equally any to get into the medium. Where in one case viewers were heavily limited on which anime series they could admission, the internet and streaming services like Crunchyroll and Hulu tin can now grant admission to hundreds and thousands of classic and modern anime serial. This is great news for those who accept no real interest in some of the more than egregious anime tropes, as the huge variety makes it much easier to avoid these things than it was in the past. These are the best anime series for people who don't usually like watching anime.

12 Shenmue

Ryo and Guizhang in fight stance Shenmue

Given where the franchise was merely a few short years ago, it'due south somewhat remarkable that both a third Shenmue game and an anime series at present exist. The latter, which borrows numerous elements from some of the great martial arts-themed anime of the nineties, offers a perfect gateway into the medium regardless of whether or not viewers take played through the three Shenmue games.

Though in that location have been a few trope-led changes (about notably the extra attention given to some of the series' female characters), Shenmue The Animation doesn't actually feel like an anime for the most office. Well, apart from the opening theme, that is, which is virtually as anime every bit they come. The fight scenes are fantastic though and locations from the games have been lovingly recreated, making this a must-sentry for Shenmue fans, as well every bit a decent entry betoken for those looking to get a taste of anime without being too overwhelmed.

11 Cromartie High Schoolhouse


While most anime series tend to adhere to Japanese sense of humour and traditions (which is quite understandable given that most of the people who piece of work on them tend to exist Japanese), Cromartie Loftier School tin at times feel a lot more like a western cartoon than it does an anime, thank you in large to its absurdist humor. It's particularly reminiscent of series like Aqua Teen Hunger Force, both in terms of its pacing and its delivery of jokes.

In terms of story, the anime takes place at a high schoolhouse for delinquents, 1 of whom is the main graphic symbol, Takashi Kamiyama. His bizarre antics and those of some of his unusual classmates provide plenty of laughs, while also keeping viewers on their toes. Granted, there are occasional references to Japanese history and popular culture that may exist lost on some Western viewers, but the humour itself is universal.

Full Metal Alchemist

Though in that location is notwithstanding the occasional smattering of fan service from time to time, Full Metal Alchemist is a series that was created with a more mature audience in mind. Equally a effect, asinine antics are kept to an accented minimum, and instances of clumsiness and cringe-inducing moments are few and far between.

The animation on display throughout the series is top-notch too and the action scenes rarely disappoint. The real star of the show, all the same, is the excellent story, which takes identify in a charming steampunk globe and tells the story of two alchemist brothers who are attempting to track downward the Philosopher's Stone after a failed attempt to revive their dead female parent nearly costs them their own lives also.

9 Dragon Brawl Z

Dragon Ball Z

Few anime series have had quite as big an impact in the west as Akira Toriyama's Dragon Ball. Though the original serial does have its fair share of awkward and inappropriate moments - ordinarily involving either Bulma or Main Roshi - Dragon Ball Z is a lot better in this regard and features plenty of ballsy and memorable battles.

Some may discover the show's slow pacing and constant stalling - an unfortunate byproduct of Toei Animation having to put out a new episode each and every calendar week - to exist a little unbearable, but there is a solution for impatient viewers. Dragon Brawl Z Kai cuts out a lot of the filler; condensing the original serial' 291-episode run downward to simply 167.

viii Samurai Champloo

Samurai Champloo

The hip-hop elements found throughout Samurai Champloo give it an entirely unique experience when compared to some of the more than traditional Japanese anime series. Improve notwithstanding, it's free to sentry on YouTube. It too boasts a fantastic English language dub, nifty characters, and a storyline that's able to evoke a wide range of emotions from its viewers.

Anybody who has consumed a lot of Japanese media will probable have noticed that certain elements of Japanese sense of humor don't always country too well in the west, but as those who have spent fourth dimension in Nippon will know that the opposite can likewise exist truthful. This is rarely an effect in Samurai Champloo, however, with most of the jokes and i-liners adhering strictly to the universal definition of funny.

seven Cowboy Bepop

Cowboy Bepop

Though peradventure the largest, Dragon Ball was far from the simply anime series to observe success in the west in the pre-2000 era. Cowboy Bepop is a neo-noir anime series set predominantly in infinite that as well incorporates themes and ideas from classic westerns. The latter may make it sound a little similar Joss Whedon's cult-classic serial, Firefly, though other than a few loose similarities, information technology'southward hard to compare the two.

Being more than of a classic anime series, Cowboy Bepop is bereft of many of the annoying tropes that accept permeated more than mod animated shows, making it a not bad watch for those who are put off past over-the-elevation antics. Granted, information technology does still have the occasional lighter moments and is certainly non afraid to poke fun at itself from fourth dimension to time, but these instances tend to exist well-executed and rarely detract from the main storyline.

6 Set on On Titan

Attack On Titan

Much similar the video game-themed anime series, Sword Fine art Online, Assault on Titan starts strongly; introducing an interesting premise and backing it up with some fantastic visuals and intriguing plot lines. Where information technology differs, however, is that Attack on Titan manages to maintain these high levels of excellence throughout its first few seasons.

Granted, there are occasions when the plot seems to stall and stumble, but, for the most part, it's able to catch itself earlier falling completely flat. Some of the action scenes with the Titans are both epic and terrifying too, while the grapheme evolution manages to retain a feeling of actuality and avoids ever going completely over the elevation.

five Castlevania


Some anime purists will argue that Netflix's Castlevania series shouldn't be classed as anime on account of it being produced exterior of Nippon. Whatever one wants to call it though, when information technology comes to blithe shows based on video games, it'south definitely up there with some of the very best and is a must-watch for fans of the Castlevania series.

Being produced predominantly past westerners definitely had its advantages, with many of the most off-putting anime tropes nowhere to be found throughout its four seasons. The animation is tight as well, the fight scenes are fantastic and the narrative, despite stumbling a little in the middle of the testify's run, provides an epic conclusion that's every bit heady as information technology is satisfying.

4 Neon Genesis: Evangelion

Neon Genesis: Evangelion

That first-time viewers will dislike some of the characters in Neon Genesis: Evangelion is something of a given. Thankfully, however, the serial features a rich and various cast, with but nearly every conceivable character archetype receiving representation in some capacity. As a result, there'll also be characters that viewers can relate to, and each receives a satisfying level of development throughout the serial' numerous installments.

The main protagonist, Shinji, also exhibits his fair share of growth, but it's perhaps his unsuitability for the role - which ultimately allows other characters to shine brighter - that makes the show such a corking watch. Well, that and the fantastic narrative, which takes place in a dystopian future in which giant bio-mechs square off against conflicting beings known as Angels in ballsy battle scenes.

3 Death Annotation

Death Note

Tsugumi Ohba's Death Note is one of the nigh pop and about memorable psychological anime series of all time. It tells the story of Low-cal Yagami, a Japanese student who stumbles upon a supernatural notebook that will kill all those whose name'due south are written upon its pages, and is filled to the skirt with suspense and narrative tension.

Those whose just exposure to Decease Notation came courtesy of the terrible alive-activeness Netflix adaptation volition, quite rightly, retrieve very picayune of the series. Anybody who takes the time to watch the original 37 episodes, nevertheless, will be blown abroad by its high quality and pulled in past the captivating boxing of wits between Light and the man tasked with stopping his killing spree, L.

2 Psycho-Pass


Information technology took most half a decade, but the void that was left past Death Note later on it went off the air in 2007 was eventually filled by another psychological anime series, Psycho-Pass. Written by Gen Urobuchi and Makoto Fukami, the 3-flavour series incorporates elements from multiple genres, covers some pretty dark themes, and, much like Death Notation, poses some interesting questions regarding morality and ethics.

The series is littered with great characters and features enough of thought-provoking storylines throughout its 41 episodes. An extended edition of the first season was likewise released alee of Psycho-Laissez passer 2, allowing potential viewers to cull between shorter, bite-sized episodes or more in-depth deep-dives that are much more in line with the official Psycho-Laissez passer novel.

1 Hellsing


Alucard just might be 1 of the coolest anime protagonists of the modernistic era and is ane of the main reasons to sit down down and watch Hellsing. The vampiric anti-hero is sworn to protect the heiress to the Hellsing family, Integra, who is a direct descendent of Abraham Van Helsing from Bram Stoker's seminal 1897 novel, Dracula.

The series sees Alucard come up against a wide range of other powerful foes, including a battalion of Nazi vampires and a regenerating Vatican priest who is hellbent on bringing the vampire lord down. It can be incredibly trigger-happy at times, but, for those who are into that sort of matter, it's definitely worth a spotter. Sadly, however, the same tin't actually exist said of the follow-up OVA serial, Hellsing Ultimate.

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